Good Idea: Handheld Shower

Posted by Ben Thompson on 01.31.12














You will love having a handheld shower on an adjustable bar in your bathroom because it will help you clean yourself, clean others, and clean the shower.

Clean Yourself

I am 6' 3" and my wife is 5' 4" so a shower head that is at a comfortable height for her is nowhere near comfortable for me. Enter adjustable bar and problem solved. A few years ago we traveled to Japan to visit friends, and we stayed at the hot springs where you shower on stools, then get into the hot springs, and then repeat for the next hour. A handheld shower allows you to bring this practice home. What if you want to take a shower without getting your hair wet? An adjustable bar can help you position the shower head and save you an hour before date night.

Clean Others

An adjustable bar for a handheld shower allows a family to make a kid-sized shower. Kids also find holding the shower head incredibly amusing. One phrase parents [and grandparents] should hear right now to make my point is, "Blow out."

Maybe you can envision yourself assisting someone other than a child in the shower. If you can provide an option for the loved one you shower, a handheld shower on an adjustable bar beats rinsing with a plastic cup, just about every time. Four-legged family members also will enjoy how clean you get them with a handheld shower. Especially, if your dog is socially misfitted and taking him to Petsmart is not practical.

Clean Shower

The best way to keep a shower clean is to clean it regularly. A handheld shower makes this chore as easy as possible. You will be surprised at how attractive today's handheld shower heads are, and we'd be happy to show[er] you.

Topics: Bathrooms