Every year Remodeling Magazine releases its Cost Vs. Value Report, which provides data on how 22 popular remodeling projects are retaining their value throughout the country. We like to report the findings here on our blog for the local Grand Rapids market and compare it to the national results. For 2022, we found that the top 5 projects were in identical order to 2021s results for our local market and they closely follow the national averages. To arrive at the average job costs, the studies are broken down by geographic area and look at the average cost to complete each project type by a professional remodeler. Here are the findings from this year's Cost Vs. Value Report.
Houzz Reveals 2023 Kitchen Trends
Our Favorite Holiday Ready Homes
Home Offices of Today
Summertime Home Safety Tips
Shifts in Kitchen Design Trends
Top Tile Trends for 2021
Zellige Tile is Making a Comeback
Laundry Rooms Come Out of Hiding
Bathroom Vanity Lighting Tips
Is Your Home Back-To-School Ready?
Renovations for Empty Nesters
What's New In Appliances for 2019?
Seven Basement Remodeling Mistakes
Design Tips for Functional Mudrooms
Family Friendly Remodeling Ideas
Not-So-Basic Subway Tile
Home for the Holidays
This project spotlight is another terrific example of a kitchen remodel within an existing footprint. Like many other homeowners, our clients decided it was time to make some updates to their kitchen after spending so much extra time at home over the past year. The current layout worked well so our design focused on transforming the existing kitchen with materials and fixtures to better suit our client's preferred aesthetic. Here's a look at what we did, starting with the before and after photos.
We were delighted to work with this Grand Rapids family to remodel their kitchen and dining room utilizing their existing footprint. This project just goes to show that you don't always have to take things down to the studs in order to refresh the look of a space.
Exterior Renovations & Minor Kitchen Remodels Pull the Biggest Return on Investment in Grand Rapids.
Every year Remodeling Magazine releases its Cost Vs. Value Report, which provides data on how 22 popular remodeling projects are retaining their value throughout the country. The studies are broken down by geographic area and look at the average cost to complete each project type by a professional remodeler. We study it annually to see which renovations have the top recoup value in the Grand Rapids area. In years past, this report has come out in January, but this year it wasn’t released until last week!
Each year, Houzz completes an in-depth survey of their users who have completed renovations on their home in the last 12 months or are planning to in the next few months, to learn about trends and preferences in a variety of project types. This year, the kitchen survey revealed a few interesting emerging design trends, including contrasting kitchen island cabinets. In fact, 41% of responders who were upgrading the island as part of their renovation selected a different cabinet finish from their wall cabinets for the island. Blue and gray were the preferred colors for nearly half of the responders.
Kitchen remodels are always at the top of homeowner's remodeling wish lists and with all the time we've been spending at home this year, it has become a priority for many families. As we shelter at home, the problems with our kitchens become even more obvious and troublesome. Lack of storage, outdated appliances and finishes, and dysfunctional layouts are just a few of the common issues we discuss with clients. Over the years we've created a lot of helpful resources for those who are getting ready to embark on a kitchen remodel. We recommend reviewing the 10 listed below if you are considering one in your near future.
Each year I like to take a look back to see which of our blogs were most popular with our readers. In 2019, we wrote about a variety of remodeling topics and found that those featuring kitchen updates were the most read. It’s no surprise considering a kitchen remodel is always at the top of most homeowner’s wish list. If you’d like to learn more about kitchen remodeling, read about common kitchen design challenges, or get your creative juices flowing, check out our Top 5 Kitchen Blogs from 2019.
Each year I like to take a look back to see which of our blogs were most popular with our readers. In 2018, we wrote about a variety of remodeling topics and found that those featuring kitchen updates were the most read. It’s no surprise considering a kitchen remodel is always at the top of most homeowner’s wish list. If you’d like to learn a little about the latest trends or get your creative juices flowing, check out our Top 5 Kitchen Blogs from 2018.
Congratulations! You’ve decided to remodel and a brand new kitchen is on the horizon. Soon, you can celebrate and show off your new space to your friends, family and neighbors. Kitchens play an important role in our everyday lives so preparing ahead of time will make the process much easier on your family. To help you prepare, we’ve put together the following list of tips to help you get ready.
This desperately dark kitchen was suffering from a lack of light, storage and a poor layout. The main source of light was provided by a decades old ceiling fan, the refrigerator blocked the main traffic path to and from the living room, and a sliding door was taking up prime real estate that could be used for storage.
One of the top design elements of a kitchen remodel is an eat-in space. Nearly every family would like to include a spot to have informal meals or to entertain guests. In the past few years, several of our remodels have incorporated a banquette into the kitchen design. We think it’s a great feature and there are a few specific situations where it is the perfect solution to a family’s needs.
We often think about our dream house and what it might look like. Is it a brand new home, an old home with character, or perhaps your existing home with some major remodeling? Do I buy a new home or remodel? That’s exactly the question our clients were considering when they returned back home from living overseas. They initially thought a custom home might be the way to go, but the idea of waiting through all the planning and construction seemed like a waste of valuable time they could be spending together as a family. So instead, the family decided to buy an existing home and remodel it to perfectly suit their own needs.