Remote Home Management

Posted by Ben Thompson on 04.1.11

Imagine being able to unlock your doors, turn on your lights and even adjust the thermostat from just about anywhere. With a remote home management system like Schlage Home LiNK, this convenience and control is possible, and with installation from Thompson Remodeling, it’s easier than ever to set up.

The system works by using Z-Wave – a wireless “ecosystem” that allows home electronics to communicate with each other and you through the remote control. The low-power radio waves easily travel through floors and walls and can be added to almost any electronic device in your house.

With Schlage Home LiNK, your home can be accessed securely through virtually any internet-enabled computer or cell phone.

Learn more about Schlage Home LiNK and Z-Wave technology here, and if you’re interested in discussing it for your home, give Thompson Remodeling a call!

Topics: Thompson Times, Care & Maintenance