Love Where You Live - Again

Posted by Ben Thompson on 04.12.11

We buy a house because of the vision we have for it. We see ourselves living here. We see our family future here. Then slowly we begin to look at our house differently.

The kids are gone and our vision for our future is somewhere else and we begin to view our home as a dog house.

Here’s the question – did you once love your home? Have those core reasons actually changed? Are the items that currently separate you from Loving Where You Live changeable? Is the value in Loving Where You Live higher than the investment it will take to transfer your home to someone else, buy someone else’s home, and customize it to meet your needs?

A client story: Larry & Bonnie loved their home – location, square footage, the fact that it was a very nice walkout ranch vs. a two story. They loved the memories they made raising their family in their home. They assumed they were going to move to a condo. They hunted for a condo. They couldn’t find one they loved. They determined that they’d have to give up everything they loved about their home, and spend an additional $100,000+ to get into a condo they maybe wanted. They hired someone to mow the grass and we fixed the problems with the house.

Problems & Amenities Addressed:

1. Reconfigured the Master Suite – Huge barrier free / doorless shower

2. Opened the kitchen to the great room

3. Fixed the back entrance traffic jamb

4. Upgraded and updated all the flooring, trim, millwork, entry doors & finish colors

5. Brought up the level of finish in the basement to match the main level of the home

6. Opened up the staircase to connect the main floor & lower level

Over 250 times in 2010 people sought us out to share their story and have us facilitate this conversation with them. We discuss the value versus the investment it will take to Love Where You Live – Again.

Topics: Love Where You Live, Thompson Times, Care & Maintenance