I can remember when a mudroom was just a simple room off of the garage with a few shelves and maybe a sink. Thankfully, designers and remodelers have realized that the mudroom can be so much more! Even tight spaces can be maximized to provide the much-needed functional storage space every family needs to keep a variety of “stuff” organized. Depending on your lifestyle, that “stuff” can include the obvious coats, scarves, gloves and shoes, but can also extend to sporting equipment, pet necessities, school books, computer bags, and cleaning supplies. Honestly, you can design a great mudroom to accommodate all sorts of storage and Thompson Remodeling has worked with many Grand Rapids families to do just that.
All this talk of organized space and storage might make you visualize a janitor's closet or office supply room, but the mudrooms we've designed are anything but sterile and boring. In fact, to the contrary they are full of style, color and often become a room you want to show your guests!
Here are a few of our most recent mudroom projects.
Crisp & Clean

This mudroom has clean white cabinets and loads of storage options including lockers, open bins with baskets, drawers, and overhead cabinets. Bench seating allows the family's three children to sit down while they gather or unload their necessities for school or play. In this particular mudroom, we also created a command center for the family where mail, bills and a calendar for the household are kept.

A Pop of Color

We love incorporating color into mudrooms and this family wanted to bring in their favorite shade of turquoise. This busy household includes four children who are extremely active in sports. Thompson Remodeling designed custom lockers, each with its on bottom drawer on rollers, personal bench, hooks and phone charging station!

Mudrooms for Small Spaces

Even when you don't have a lot of space, you can maximize what you do have with built-ins. Here, we designed a locker room with a built-in bench with coat hooks, open cubbies, and high shelf for storage.

In this home, we created a mudroom entrance at the rear of the kitchen. Even in limited space we were able to include a bench area and three locker cabinets. The drawers below are steel lined for storing dog food.
If you enjoyed this blog, I encourage you to read two others I wrote about mudrooms:
Is your home in need of a new mudroom? Give us a call and let's discuss your project.
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