Topics: Trends, Love Where You Live,, mudroom, remodel, Thompson Remodeling, thompson remodeling grand rapids, thompson remodeling grand rapids mi
Every home can use a mudroom - a place to drop your bags, coats, umbrella, book bags, leashes, golf bags, or baseball mitt. Households of all types and sizes can use this room as a staging area to help manage clutter and keep mud and dirt out of the rest of the home.
The key to creating a mudroom that works for your family is to consider the needs of each individual in the family, including the pets. Our guide to creating a mudroom that tames the mess will help get you started.
Your mudroom should be where your family enters and exits the house. If you can't accommodate it there, consider using an alternate spot that can serve both purposes. The most common areas to incorporate or remodel a mudroom include the garage, kitchen, utility, or laundry room. When space is at a minimum, an alcove or niche can be created by the front door.
Since the mudroom is a catch-all space where muddy and wet feet are commonplace, study flooring is a must. Your best options include nonslip tile, vinyl, laminate flooring, or even concrete. Choose colors and patterns that hide dirt. If you are remodeling, consider installing a drain in the room for easy water drainage and clean up.
Consider all the types of items that will need to be stored. Think about what will be dropped off and picked up on the way out. That could include: coats, scarfs, hats, gloves, sporting equipment, backpacks, briefcases, umbrellas, leashes, strollers, car seats, etc. Once you know what you need to store you can design a space with a variety of storage spaces to keep things organized including cabinets, lockers, cubbies, closets, and benches.
Just because this is a mudroom doesn't mean it can't be inviting. Consider using bright colors or extending the look and feel of adjacent rooms. Incorporate artwork and pendant or recessed lighting.
Topics: Trends, Love Where You Live,, mudroom, remodel, Thompson Remodeling, thompson remodeling grand rapids, thompson remodeling grand rapids mi