Topics: Events, News, Grand Rapids, home show, remodeling grand rapids mi,, cottage, lakefront living, remodeling, Thompson Remodeling, thompson remodeling grand rapids
Spring is around the corner and we are excited to be exhibiting at two of the areas largest Spring Home Shows in Grand Rapids. It's our first time at the shows and we'd love to see some familiar faces, show you our brand new booth and chat with you about your upcoming remodeling projects.
March 6-9
DeVos Place
You can find Thompson Remodeling in booth # 1722.
West Michigan’s largest Home & Garden show is back for its 35th season! With 12 feature gardens gardens, 4 free seminar stages and over 350 exhibitors featuring every product and service you’ll ever need, all under one roof, this is the show to attend! Click here for more information.
March 28-30
DeVos Place
You can find Thompson Remodeling in booth #2412.
Say “the cottage” to almost any Michigander and memories rush forward like waves: the screech of gulls, or the squeal of old oarlocks; falling asleep to the rhythm of the surf, or waking to a chorus of frogs; sand in the sheets, or fish scales in the sink. Mostly, though, they’re memories of family, because here in the Great Lake State the cottage is a tradition that’s handed down from one generation to the next. Click here for more information.
Topics: Events, News, Grand Rapids, home show, remodeling grand rapids mi,, cottage, lakefront living, remodeling, Thompson Remodeling, thompson remodeling grand rapids