Topics: Love Where You Live, Kitchens, Grand Rapids, kitchen, kitchen remodel, remodeling grand rapids mi,, Thompson Remodeling, thompson remodeling grand rapids mi
The owners of this Grand Rapids home came to us in search of a way to improve the functionality of their small kitchen. The existing layout was not only tight, but also included four doorways into other rooms. It was functioning more like a hallway with a few appliances added in for good measure.
Thompson Remodeling’s designers had to work within existing space and include the existing powder room in the new kitchen remodel layout. Our approach to the design was to use every inch of space efficiently. To start, that meant removing the peninsula that was causing a traffic jam between the kitchen, basement, and living room. We also rearranged the placement of appliances to create maximum functionality. Previously the homeowners were forced into a corner to access the refrigerator; we moved it to an adjacent wall and surrounded it with cabinetry. This is where the most inventive part of the design came in.
Creating the Hidden Basement Entrance
One of the four doorways in this kitchen went to the basement. As we were considering the layout, we came up with the unique idea to create a walk-thru pantry! We knew we wanted to move the refrigerator to make it more easily accessible and the clients also needed more storage. What if we could surround the fridge with cabinetry and build a pantry façade to hide the entrance to the basement? The clients loved the idea! The built-in cabinetry also houses a pullout trash bin, which was always difficult to place in their old kitchen layout.
Laminate countertops were replaced with quartz and beautiful new white and gray cabinets and appliances were selected including a dishwasher that there previously was no room for. We used 2¼” hardwood oak to match the flooring of the rest of the main level.
A Punch of Color
We love when clients like to add visual interest with color and these homeowners were all for it. To start, the gray cabinets provide a rich contrast to the white used above the counters and on the refrigerator walls. For the real color punch, several walls were painted with an indigo blue and blue glass knobs were added to the white cabinets.
This kitchen remodel is proof that small spaces don’t have to look or feel confined. With creative thinking, function and flow can be improved in ways you never imagined!
Topics: Love Where You Live, Kitchens, Grand Rapids, kitchen, kitchen remodel, remodeling grand rapids mi,, Thompson Remodeling, thompson remodeling grand rapids mi