First of all, if you are wondering what a floating vanity, I’m sure you’re not alone. A floating vanity is a bathroom cabinet that is anchored to the wall. It does not extend all the way to the floor as standard vanities do, which creates the illusion it is floating in the space. They have become increasingly popular in recent years and many homeowners select them for their clean and modern look. But aside from aesthetics, there are many situations when a floating vanity is a great choice for your bathroom remodel. If you are wondering if it makes sense for you, read our list below.
When to choose a floating vanity -
- For tight spaces. Since a floating vanity does not extend to the floor they feel lighter within the space and make the bathroom appear larger.
- For households with children, seniors, or handicapped family members. The floor clearance allows space to store a stool or access by someone with a walker or wheelchair.
- To accommodate any height. Standard vanities only come in so many heights, but with a floating vanity you can install it at any height you like.
- To show off your flooring. If you planning to put in a gorgeous floor, show it off by not covering it with a traditional vanity.
- For flexible storage options. Whether you need less or more storage, floating vanities offer drawers, cabinets, and open shelving options. You can pick what works best for you.
Is a bathroom remodel in your future? Check out our bathroom gallery for design inspiration and when you are ready to get started, contact us to set up an appointment.
Topics: Bathrooms