Air-Conditioning Efficiency

Posted by Ben Thompson on 06.23.09

You've heard me say it before but here are 5  steps that will take you 5 minutes to complete.  Give yourself increased A/C efficiency:

5 Steps to Cleaning Your A/C Condenser

  1. Turn off the power at the electrical panel or remove the "key" fuse on the gray box outside.
  2. Cut away anything growing over it that restricts air flow.
  3. Rinse the radiator fins with a hose (dust, dirt, grass clippings, fuzz, leaves reduce its ability to evaporate water efficiently).  You can also use brush to gently remove debris while not damaging the fins.
  4. Turn on the power.
  5. Repeat seasonally.

Thompson Tips

  1. Change your air filter monthly in peak heating & cooling seasons. Restricted air flow is the #1 cause of HVAC service calls.
  2. Only professionals should install an A/C unit.
  3. Running the "Fan On" setting will help stabilize the temperature in your home.
  4. If no A/C - open the windows in the early AM to pre-cool the house for the day.

Topics: Love Where You Live, efficiency, A/C